hand picked organic lavender pillow

For one incredible reason or another, it seems that my best ideas of what to create next actually come from thinking about the people close to me; how I might perhaps make their life a little better or more enjoyable.  

Last year, when Alexander was away working Makers Place, the first Carbon Neutral Recycling Studio in the Maldives, a 3 month long trip. I wanted him to take along something that reminds him of home,  and yes of me.  I decided to make a small embroidered lavender pillow for him to place under his pillow at night.  The essential oils from this amazing plant are known for aiding sleep and a sense of calm. Our studio garden has lavender throughout and I know it will remind him that he will be back soon enough.

Here is a perfect example of fabrication responsibility in the studio. For these lavender pillows the flowers are picked by hand, dried  and enclosed in a natural fibre double layer inner pillow which is then hand sewn into a natural linen pillow to allow airflow, for their relaxing lavender oils to softly permeate into your room or bed.

Yesterday I opened a jar from this years harvest and my head was dancing from the aroma, reminiscent of a hot summers evening.  Since making one for Alexander, I’ve been meaning to make more for a long time, to bring this lavender pillow to you.


