Studio Anna Hamilton has evolved from our love & understanding of the natural world. We see so many products in the world today that either do not last the test of time caused by poor materials selection or manufacturing failures. Many products produced these days include unwise material combinations and a staggering amount of unnecessary plastic based packaging used to ship them. These poor material choices really show their colours at the end of the products life, such as those with a combination of materials tightly formed together making their ‘end of life’ recycling impossible; a perfect example of this is your everyday deodorant can often using a glass or aluminium container with a plastic roller or spray applicator; making their recycling very difficult.

Here in the studio we are chemical and carbon neutral and are always mindful of how we work and the footprint of that process. We recognise that it’s about more than just style and attention to detail, making us conscious of the materials and processes that go into how we produce each piece, creating sustainable long lasting pieces that achieve circular production goals.

Circular production (or circularity) means that a product is created with its own end-of-life taken into account at the design stage. In a circular economy, once the user is finished with the product, it goes back into the supply chain instead of being dumped into landfill or worse. This principle of condensing down to the finest natural elements forms the backbone of the brand, uniting locally sourced materials with superior hand-craftsmanship, to create truly unique pieces of beauty, purpose and design.

From our cushions that are made with the finest naturally printed silks, loom woven moleskin, to the Japanese inspired porcelain water cups that are hand formed and fired in the studio. At Studio Anna Hamilton you can trace every element and every process to verify the provenance of each artisan hand-crafted piece. This makes the recycling of all these products a far simpler process, so we do not end up with items that are just too difficult to recycle into another socially responsible use at the end of their life.

The packaging used by Studio Anna Hamilton is also made from 100% recycled, unbleached Kraft™ paper & board with no visible branding. This simple and elegant design allows the packaging to be perfectly re-usable as an ideal storage solution for you and your home - nothing is wasted.

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