the influence of Claude Monet and his haystack series of paintings a reminder of light & time

The underlying theme of the series of works "Haystacks", considered by Claude Monet, is about the transience of light.  This concept allowed Monet to use repetition to show the reality of perception as a time of day, a season and complex weather changes.

claude monet haystack series and its influence today
Claude Monet, Haystack End of the Summer Morning dated 1891. Oil on canvas: Cuortesy The Louvre, Paris, France.

The almost unchanging subject served as the basis for him to compare the changes of light and mood in his delicately nuanced series.

monet haystack series

This series hold particular reference for me as the studio my husband & I work from is located far way from the hustle and bustle of the city at a high elevation often above the morning clouds which allows us to find absolute stillness with its enriching silent moments to observe nature in all of its intricate delicacies.

From the windows of my studio the rugged view constantly delights me by how different and ever changing the light is. The working hours throughout the day offering each gaze a defining multitude of unique colour swatches, all of which seem in constant harmony.

the changing colours of the mountain

From this observation, the idea came to me on how to show the blue Himalayan (Meconopsis betonicifolia) poppy flower at different times of the day and under different atmospheric conditions.

I wanted to portray the resulting play of light and shadow to capture these moments given to me, much alike the view from my window setting.
