the story behind how I created a series of silk scarves using a natural printing process

I love to observe nature and all its delicate changes through the seasons, I seems to always introduce elements of nature into every element of my work.

In our region, the main rocks to be found on the mountain range is limestone, a rock that is changing quickly and constantly.  I first saw this process on the banks of our favourite beach contrasting with the rich blue green water.  

The first time we visited this spot there were bright white stones everywhere that sparkled in the sun as you walked by. We had a heavy snow winter with 2+ meters, the roads to this location were blocked for over a month, then with a scorching hot summer. By the time fall had arrived we were amazed at what our beach had turned into with the appearance of these strange moonstones with holes in crystals, 50 shades of pink, a magical transformation in the exact same spot.

This inspired me to create a series of dusty pink silk scarves during the summer of 2022. For this I started to learn a completely new dyeing process, that of dyeing with natural pigments, eco-printing flowers and leaves on fabric.  

For this series the silk has been dyed with avocado seed or pip pigment with a natural mordant to hold the colour all from the studio garden.

You can view these products here at the store.

The video below shows how the dyeing process takes place, here for the botanical floral silk scarves - click to view.

